Dog Slicker Brush for Grooming Pet Hair Pet Slicker Brush for Dogs, Cats, Rabbits - Dog Slicker Brush for Matted/Loose Hair, Fur, Knot - Doodle Brush for Dogs Short Hair & Long Hair - Dog Brush for Golden doodle Grooming & Shedding The Specifications of Dog Grooming Supplies 1.This primary purpose of this slicker Pet Grooming Brush for Dogs is to get rid of any debris, loose hair mats, and knots in the fur. It is rectangular in shape and has fine wire bristles packed tightly together. Each wire bristle is angled slightly to prevent scratches to the skin.2.Coated Tips Prevent Scratches: Each stainless steel pin of Professional Dog Brush is topped with a plastic tip to eliminate any discomfort. Brush easily, knowing that your pet will not get hurt. Even the most sensitive dogs and cats tolerate Poodle Pet Slickers.3.The Fine, Wire Pins Reach Into the Undercoat to Remove Loose Hair. Regular use deters matting and helps tidy the hair. If you come across a mat, brush th…
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